Badalona municipal district borders in the southwest, towards Besòs River, with Sant Adrià de Besòs, and in the west, with Santa Coloma de Gramenet, both located in Barcelonès county. In the west, it borders with Montcada i Reixac, in Vallès Occidental county, and in the north, with Sant Fost de Campsentelles, in Vallès Oriental county, specifically with Marina mountain range, which acts as a natural barrier with these towns. Finally, in the northeast, it borders with Tiana and Montgat municipalities, in Maresme county.

- Population: 215.634 h.
- Area: 21,2 km²
- Web:
Town Council:
Plaça de la Vila, 1
08912 - Badalona
Phone 93 483 29 20